Why We Choose To Serve Veterans & A Veterans Day Tribute
While we honor our Veterans for their sacrifice and valor every single day, we take one day every year as a nation to especially recognize the importance of Veterans to the safety and well-being of our country and our freedom. With Veterans Day just around the corner, we wanted to personally offer our deepest thanks to our Veterans who selflessly serve our great nation. Very simply put, We appreciate you!
In fact, our gratitude for our Veterans is a significant part of the reason Resilient Asset Management tailors our services to both those currently in the military AND those who have served our nation in the past. Here’s a bit more to the story of why we choose to serve Veterans at Resilient Asset Management.
A Personal Link To Veterans
Just as you wouldn’t want a plumber wiring the electricity in your new home, you don’t want just anybody advising you on financial matters. With something as important as your personal finances, you want the assurance that comes from entrusting your assets to a financial steward who has the knowledge and experience relating to your unique situation. And without a doubt, being a Veteran is absolutely a unique situation.
Military life is hard to describe to those not in it. And as a Veteran myself, I know first-hand what military families endure and am keenly aware of their experiences and concerns. That’s right—I spent 20 years in the Navy as an F/A-18 Strike Fighter Pilot. These two decades of service included tours in Japan, Australia, and California, combat missions in all areas of the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan, and time spent as the Executive Officer of Naval Base Guam and the Director of Navy Casualty in Millington, TN.
In my experience, I learned military life is indeed all-consuming, thus leaving little time at the margins to manage your finances or plan for the future. Because I had a passion for the financial world along with a bevy of practical experience, I would make time between my military commitments to personally manage my family’s financial affairs. Moreover, I formalized my passion for financial planning by completing my Certified Financial PlannerTM course work while still on Active Duty. I realize not everyone can do that—and more importantly, not everyone wants to. I saw a need and decided to do something about it. In a nutshell, that’s why I choose to focus on serving Veterans at Resilient Asset Management.
Unique Questions For A Unique Career
Many of my Veteran friends and clients typically have some or all of the following types of questions relating to their personal situation. These are questions either they can’t answer on their own or perhaps require more information based on their unique circumstances:
Military Pension
What do I need to know about my military pension?
How does my VA Disability impact my pension?
How can I utilize this amazing benefit to augment my personal savings?
Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)
What is the right level of coverage for me?
If I pass away, does my spouse still receive my retirement benefits?
Veterans Administration (VA) Disability
What happens if I get a service-related disability?
How does this process work?
What are my options if I want to appeal my initial rating?
Post-Military Career Path
Will my finances be able to handle this change?
What do I need to know?
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
What options are available to me after retirement?
How can I optimize my benefits to ensure a successful retirement?
Post-9/11 GI Bill
What are my options for furthering my education?
How do I optimize my GI Bill education benefits for my family?
Veteran’s Benefits
What type of health, life, long-term care, and disability insurance is available to me as a Veteran?
What civilian options are preferred over Veteran’s benefits
Because of your different challenges and opportunities, lifestyle, values, and decisions, you need the specialized touch of someone who understands you and can innately grasp what you face, both practically and financially.
Your Service Deserves A Personal Touch
As someone who knows and has experienced the ups and downs of military and Veteran life, I’ve walked many of the same roads you have. I have had the opportunity to live abroad and see the world from a different perspective. I’ve seen military families struggle with the question of staying in the military world or entering the civilian economy so their kids can stay in their current school and be with their friends. I’ve had the privilege of being part of the diverse military community, learning about different cultures, and having my eyes opened to a unique community in America.
I want to use what I have learned, coupled with my passion and knowledge in the financial world, to help Veterans reach their financial goals and make the most of what they have. If you are a Veteran or are on Active Duty intending to soon transition out of the military, I am here to serve you. If you want more information about what we do at Resilient Asset Management, take the first step today by scheduling a 30-minute introductory meeting or contacting us at chris@resilientam.com or (901) 318-3423.
About Christopher
Christopher Flis is founder and financial planner at Resilient Asset Management, a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) based in Tennessee. Chris graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a bachelor’s degree in computer science, earned a Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota, and attended flight school in Pensacola, FL, launching a fulfilling and distinguished military career. Chris spent 20 years in the Navy as an F/A-18 Strike Fighter Pilot, which included tours in Japan, Australia, and California, combat missions in all areas of the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan, and time spent as the Executive Officer of Naval Base Guam and Director of Navy Casualty in Millington, TN.
When Christopher was ready to make a career change, he turned to a passion he held since high school when he attended a lecture on personal finance and started managing his own investments. He earned his Certified Financial PlannerTM (CFP®) designation and now combines his passions and experience by serving military, retired military, business owners, and retirees. Chris provides comprehensive, customized financial services, helping his clients overcome their challenges and take opportunities so they can achieve financial independence.
Chris lives in Downtown Memphis with his wife, Christine, and his son, Emerson. He is an avid runner and when he is not jogging for exercise, he is usually chasing his son around or walking his 3 dogs. To learn more about Chris, connect with him on LinkedIn.